if you want change, get the nutrition right
Lara Boyd Nutrition
personalised nutrition and lifestyle coaching
Nutritional Therapy
Biggar, South Lanarkshire
Work-based clinics
t:0797 3728047
e: admin@laraboydnutrition.co.uk
Lara Boyd BA BSc (Hons)
BANT Registered Nutritionist
CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Lara is a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and qualified trainer and assessor. She holds degrees from Middlesex University/Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management and Glasgow Caledonian University. Lara undertakes continuing professional development, is CNHC registered and a member of the British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine and the Royal Society of Medicine.
An experienced coach and trainer, Lara works with individuals and organisations using a functional approach to promote health and wellbeing. In addition to working with individual clients 1:1 in a variety of clinic settings, she also works with organisations to provide bespoke programmes to individual employees and large staff groups.
Lara is also a Module Leader and Clinical Supervisor at the Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management.
Lara is fully compliant with the GDPR. Each client receives an up to date copy of the LBN Privacy and Data Protection policies, however, if you would like to receive copies in advance of making an appointment then please send an email via the 'Contact Me' page.